How To Building a Stronger Relationship w/ Mom

Happy Mother’s Day to all you amazing women today! My relationship with my mother is priceless, and over the years making our bond strong has been a major goal.

My Mother

I have been blessed to have a mom that is my number 1 supporter, cheerleader, confidant, and friend. I honestly don’t know where I would be without her guidance and love, and if you asked me 10 years ago what my relationship with my mom would be like today I wouldn’t even be able to guess how amazing it would become. As I have gotten older, I have realized how valuable she is in my life and have made a conscious effort to build a stronger bond. This all didn’t develop overnight, and I had to put in the same amount of effort to build our relationship her as I did with dating.

If you are looking to develop a stronger bond with your mom here are a few things that worked for me….

How to Build a Stronger Relationship with Your Mom

    1. Find an Us” Thing. My mom and I love picking fresh fruit, so we literally have a calendar for when we will be going to pick fruit for every season –strawberries, peaches, apples. This is something we look forward to together every season and it is our “us” thing.
    2. Make a Date Night with Mom. For the foodies out there, this is the best thing ever! My mom and I will go on a date, and it is usually a place neither of us have been. It creates those memories that we won’t forget via our taste buds.
    3. Watch It Together. Finding a TV show that both my mom and I can watch together has been the best thing yet. Ours is Real Housewives of Atlanta, so our catch up conversations are always hilarious and full of laughter.
    4. Celebrate the Little Things. Losing a pound, doing smoothie prep for the week early, mastering a cake, finding a good deal — It may seem small, but those little celebrations have built both our bond and support for each other.

I hope that everyone is having an amazing Mother’s Day weekend! Just know that time is too short not to spend the time building a strong bond with your mom. Those little gems of wisdom and advice only come when you make time for it.

Love you mom!

Categories: Feature, Uncategorized

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  • Love me some Kyla. Thank You for loving back.