Daily Inspiration |Steps to Making Life Amazing

Good Morning Verbs! Here is your daily drop of inspiration…

We all dream of big things coming into our lives. Often times we may find ourselves forgetting how important the little things are, and how those little amazing moments make life so amazing. Personally, I had to have a reality check not too long ago. I was caught up in what wasn’t going right that I couldn’t see the amazing little things that were aligning me for a breakthrough. I had to take some steps to get there and I hope it helps…

[bctt tweet=”Enjoy the little things for one day you may look back and realize that they were the big things -Rober Brault”]

What I found was that every time I gave energy to what wasn’t go right in my life I was digging a deeper hole of negativity that wasn’t healthy. We all do it subconsciously, but I had to may a conscious choice to change my thoughts to fully enjoy and be thankful for every little thing that was amazing in my life.

So after leaving a job that I was completely frustrated with and my favorite song came on, I made a point to turn the music up and sing off key until I couldn’t help but laugh at myself. Sounds so silly, but I promise it changed my entire outlook. While at work frustrated, I took a moment to enjoy my favorite snack that I packed the night before. When I got caught up with why my relationship ended, I called an amazing friend that has always been there and enjoyed a good life about something silly. It helped me enjoy life a little bit more and appreciate the journey that is filled with both small and big moments to enjoy.

[bctt tweet=”Enjoy the little things in life, because the add up to amazing memories.”]

Steps to Making an Amazing Life:

  1. Change Your Perspective!  I love J. Cole’s new single “Love Yourz”. There is no such thing as a life much better than yours. Stop comparing yourself, and think of life full. Your life is already amazing, but it is up to you to realize that even in your worse moments your life amazing.
  2. Find Amazing Moments. Even in your worse moments, there is something amazing in that moment. I know it is hard to recognize when you are going through. If you need a default: You are breathing! You have a choice to laugh or cry. You decided if you the next moment will get you one step closer to the place you want to be.
  3. Say Thank You! When your feet hit the floor in the morning, say thank you. When things aren’t going the way you want them to go, tell God thank you for directing your path. Know that God with make your path straight, and everything in your life are the building blocks to prepare you for your breakthrough.
  4. Fight for Your Dreams. No matter your circumstance, it can change! No matter how big or small do something that prepares you for your dreams — research something, write something, reach out to someone. Don’t stop fighting for what you love because of what life may look like at a given moment.

For more inspiration, click here.