2 Must Have Endometriosis Cookbooks

Here are two Endometriosis Cookbooks for Women with Endometriosis by women with Endometriosis who have found healing through food.

They both have 2 different perspectives and bring so much to the table that you will find extremely helpful and resourceful.

You can find healing through food!

Both of these ladies are true examples of what is possible when dealing with chronic pain from Endometriosis.

Tia Mowry and Jessica Murnane are both Endo Mom’s who were able to fight pass not only pain but the nuance of becoming with Endometriosis.

Jessica focuses on eating a plant based diet, while Tia is all about find wholeness in the foods you love.

Check out the video below of key take-aways and things I love from both books.

Check out my interview with Jessica Murnane about her Endometriosis journey here:

Categories: Food