how to stop period pain naturally

How To Stop Period Pain Naturally

Today I am celebrating being pain free for 2 years with Stage IV Endometriosis. And now is the perfect time to share my 7 step method to stop period pain naturally! This is a tremendous mile stone for me. For those who have menstrual pain, you know that period cramps can be debilitating and if your pain is severe please journal everything you are going through and share with your doctor to expedite your healing journey.

What causes period pain?

There can be several reasons why you experience pain during your period. Period pain is not normal, and the official name for it is Dysmenorrhea. Hopkins Medicine describes this as “abnormal contractions of the uterus due to a chemical imbalance in the body.” This can come before or during your cycle.

There are two types of Dysmenorrhea – primary and secondary. Primary is the name for common menstrual cramps and secondary is tied to a disorder.

Disorders that cause period pain:

  1. Endometriosis
  2. Adenomyosis
  3. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
  4. Fibroids
  5. Cervical Stenosis

I honestly never thought I would see that day of being able to live my life without pain pills. Living a life with Endometriosis pain free is something I have been praying and affirming for years. And, I am finally living it! This has been a roller coaster ride full fo trails and errors. And, I hope me sharing this will help someone else find relief faster on their journey. Here is how I have been able to reverse my Endometriosis and stop my period cramps naturally:

7 Step Process for Relieving Period Cramps and Pain

How to Stop Period Cramps

It’s time for an Period Cramps “CHECKUP” – Self-Care, Herbs, Eat Well, Chlorophyll, Keep Moving, Rest Up, Pop Vitamins

These are the 7 steps you need to take to help relieve Endometriosis and Period Cramps Pain:

  1. Practice Self-Care
  2. Use Herbs
  3. Eat Well
  4. Drink Water with Chlorophyll
  5. Keep Moving
  6. Get Rest
  7. Take Your Vitamins

1. Practice Daily and Radical Self-Care.

Self-care is not an option when dealing with a chronic pain disorder, it is a requirement. You may what I mean by self care, and I love Everyday Health’s Definition –

“…Self-care includes everything related to staying physically healthy — including hygiene, nutrition, and seeking medical care when needed. It’s all the steps an individual can take to manage stressors in his or her life and take care of his or her own health and well-being.”

Endometriosis is a full-body disorder that is hormone driven. An Endometriosis flare up can occur due to the food you eat, the environment you are in, the chemicals you come in contact with, and/or the stress you allow in your life.

Once you understand the importance of Endometriosis self-care in you life, the faster you will be able to get in tuned with what is causing your body to be in pain and developing a lifestyle for living pain free.

Check out a few self-care ideas, here.

2. Herbs For Period Pain Relief.

Literally! Herbs have been a go-to for natural pain relief. Also for mood boosting, hormone balancing, and toxin cleansing for as long as we have been on this Earth. This is nothing new, and finding a way to get key herbs in you life can be a game changer. Simply drinking herbal tea everyday can give your body what it needs. Taking a hot bath with herbs bi-weekly. Enjoying a yoni steam monthly. And, adding herbal drops to your water can help relieve your pain.

Check out my herbal guide and journal with over 70+ herbs for your health journey to get your started, here.

If you are looking for herbal drops to put in your water, check out Elix. I absolutely love using their cycle balancing herb drops because that customize it based on where you are in your journey. You can use my code KYLA15 for 15% your next order.

3. Eat Well.

Eating well for period pain relief can be a little tricky. One might say, just go on a diet! Become a vegan, you will feel better! But, it’s not that simple. You can easily stress yourself out when removing thing you love from your diet that can lead to a flare-up.

You have to apply grace in this area, and give yourself time to evolve in your food journey.

Set a goal that you want to get to achieve, and take daily steps to enjoy the process of change. For instance, getting rid of sugar in your diet. You could easily go on a Keto Diet, but experiencing a Keto Flu while trying to reaching your goal would be counterproductive. Instead, try the latter approach — remove processed sugar, only use honey or agave, turn to dates, consume only keto friendly fruits like strawberries and watermelon.

Take your time! Find recipes that help you explore and fall in love with new foods. But, most of all, listen to your body!

You could be eating all “the right foods’, but because Endometriosis is an individualized disorder you could be having a reaction to even foods that considered good for you.

4. Drink Water with Chlorophyll.

I have talked a lot about the benefits of Chlorophyll, and I am going to stick by it! The reality is consuming greens serves us in a major way with combating inflammation triggered by free radicals in our body. Taking a concentrated amount of Chlorophyll in the form of a wheatgrass shot from our local juicer or simply adding a few drops in our water will supercharge our system to fight off free radicals and help tremendously with Endometriosis pain relief.

5. Keep Moving.

Working out can be a relief or a trigger when living with period pain. It’s a balancing act, and it doesn’t look the same for everyone. Some individuals can workout for hours everyday and feel great, while others will experience bad flares from simply stretching the wrong way. However, there is a lot of benefits to keeping your circulation flowing and maintaining a healthy body weight.

Make it a point to have some type of daily activity that gets your heart pumping a little and feels good. That could be walking for 30 minutes, taking the stairs daily at work, a full body work out, a yoga session, or intentional stretching.

Stay in motion and your body and hormones will appreciate it.

6. Rest Up!

The grind has to stop. As much as I would like to think we can be like everyone else in the World, we can’t. Living off of 3 or 4 hours of sleep is not an option. Often times with menstrual pain, you will experience moments of fatigue. And, that is because your body is working extra hard to fight off free radicals that are causing inflammation in your system.

Your body needs time to reboot and heal itself.

Allow your body the time and capacity without having a system overload. You and your body deserves a good night sleep.

7. Pop A Vitamin

The right vitamins can play a major role in how you can stop your period pain. The amount of vitamins can change along your journey. In the beginning, I would take 12 vitamins every week until my body reached its optimal levels.

Boost your system with vitamins that will recharge your body as overworking is key. It’s like having a car that doesn’t run on regular fuel. You have to give your body what it needs to keep up on the highway of life.

B-Complex will add energy back to your system, Magnesium to help fight off inflammation, Selenium for thyroid health, and more!

Don’t let your body run on fumes.

I shared the 12 vitamins I would recommend for period pain and Endometriosis pain relief, here.

You Can Do This!

Following the “CHECKUP” System will take time, but it will work! After years of trying everything under the sun, I have been able to live pain free with Stage IV Endometriosis, and my hope is that every woman with menstrual pain finds the relief that deserve.


If you are looking to take a deeper dive into period pain relief, here are some other articles to check out:


Meet Kyla

Meet Kyla. The Stage IV Endometriosis Mom on a mission to help other women on a health and wellness journey to relieve Endometriosis pain, Fibroids, Painful Periods, and other Estrogen dominate disorders and reach their health goals faster.

Kyla is a certified health coach, and you can learn more about Healthy Kyla, her health journey, and why she is using her platform to help others find the health solutions that they need a long their journey.


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FAQs About Period Pain

What is PMS?

Also known as premenstrual syndrome, PMS affects 90 percent of menstruating women.

How do I talk to my doctor about my period pain?

Keep a journal documenting all of your symptoms during all stages of your menstrual cycle. It’s important to share with your doctor about about everything that is reoccurring specifically during your menses and ovulation stages. From brain fog, pain, headaches, mood swings — it’s all important to note.

If you feel like you are still not getting the answers you need for your pain, ask specifically to explore if Dysmenorrhea or Endometriosis is the cause of your pain.

Is my menstrual pain in my head?

No! If you feel it, it is real. Should you find a doctor that tells you it is just in your head, find another doctor. Also, keep a journal of all of symptoms along your journey. This will help you speak to everything that is happening on your journey.

Is period pain normal?

No! Period pain is not normal. Any type of pain that you are experience should be taken seriously. If you find yourself cancelling your daily activities during your period or taking pain pills but still experience pain, it is time to explore what is causing your period pain.

Categories: Endometriosis, Health, Herbs