Types of  Collagen

Living Healthy

What is collagen?

Living Healthy

Collagen are the building blocks of the body. Collagen is a protein that is essential for our skin, cartilage, bones, and body tissue.  Collagen Peptides are a popular supplement that is animal collagen.    There are 28 types of collagen identified. Here are a few key types you need to know about...

Living Healthy

Type I Collagen

Type 1 Collagen makes up 90% of our body's collagen found in our hair, nails, bones, skin and ligaments. Fish collagen is made from fish skin and scales and contains primarily type 1 collagen.


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Type two collagen is found in our heart , gut and joints. Type 2 of collagen offers for elastic support for cartilage.

Type II  Collagen


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Type 3 collagen is found in hollow organs such as large blood vessels, the uterus, and the bowel. It counts for 5–20% of the entire collagen in the human body.

Type III  Collagen


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Type four Collagen is found primarily in the skin within the basement membrane zone.

Type IV Collagen


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Type 5 Collagen regulates the formation of collagen fibers. This collagen can be found in the cornea of your eyes, some layers of skin, hair and tissue of the placenta.

Type V Collagen

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Collagen Peptides