natural cough syrup recipe

Sea Moss

Sea Moss

Cough Syrup

Boil 2 tablespoons of fresh ginger in 1 cup of water.

Sea Moss

Cough Syrup

In a blender, add 3 strawberries, 3 tablespoons of Sea Moss Gel, 1 tablespoon of your boiled ginger, 1 tablespoon of brown sugar, and 3 tablespons of honey.

Sea Moss

Cough Syrup

Add 1 cut lemon, 1 cinnamon stick, 1/4 cup of blended gel,  4 tablespoons of honey, and 1/4 cup drained and cooled ginger water.

Sea Moss

Cough Syrup

Store in the refrigerator, and enjoy daily!

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