5 Ways To Take Control of Your Health

Amidst all the concerns caused by coronavirus, please don’t forget about taking care of the rest of your body.  Here’s a sponsored post I wrote for Invitae about heart health.

Heart Health Awareness

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the U.S. For myself, heart health is very personal. My mother has a Pulmonary Heart disorder, and her journey of finding out she had it came by complete surprise. She was around my age with two young daughters when she passed out playing with my sister. At first, we wrote it off as an anomaly in life. Maybe her blood sugar was low. Maybe it was just the heat. Until it happened again.

Next thing she knew, she found herself going through a massive amount of testing trying to figure out what was going on with her. She was put on trial drugs as doctors took stabs at figuring out what was going on with her. Unfortunately, it was years later when my mom was finally diagnosed with Pulmonary Heart disease. This journey has been the norm for so many women for a variety of disorders, but it no longer has to be this way.

I knew there would come a day when I wanted to get tested for Heart Disease, but I never thought it was going to be as simple as sending off the lab kit in the mail. I sent in a saliva sample to Invitae, and in a few days I had my results.

The Invitae Cardio Screen looks at 77 genes that helps determine your risk for developing an inherited form of cardiovascular disease. This took so much less time and stress than what my mother went through.

Thanks to Invitae, I found out that I was negative for hereditary heart disease all from the comfort of my home. I was able to breathe easier knowing I was able to find answers to one of the many questions about my health with ease.

My Personal Health Goals

One of my goals for 2020 is to take complete control of my health by being the best self-advocate for my wellness. That means learning my body, knowing my options, and expecting nothing but the absolute best healthcare.

Having Endometriosis has taught me a lot about myself — I know when something isn’t right long before any doctor can confirm it for me, and I have to empower myself to get the care I deserve.

It took me 15 years and 6 doctors before discovering I had Endometriosis. And that wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t stop asking for permission to see a specialist. I stopped waiting for an OBGYN to refer me. Taking the initiative, I did my own research and found a doctor that specialized in women’s health disorders. I took the necessary steps to discover what was causing my pain.

It was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders!

I finally found someone that took my pain seriously. I found someone who listened to me. I found someone that was willing to be my partner in helping me find relief.

Oh, and I came prepared.

I had my personal journal documenting every drug and treatment that didn’t work, and it felt good to know my work did not go in vain.

Fast Forward

There are so many more resources that make it so much easier for every woman to truly take control of her health. There are now options that help you become proactive with tackling current and future health concerns. Which is why now is the perfect time to make your personal health goals a priority.

This is me taking charge of my health!

I no longer need someone to tell me what test I should or should not take based on what they deem necessary. I determine what is necessary, and get the care I deserve.

If you are looking for a health screening test, consider using Invitae. The Invitae Cancer Screen and Cardio Screen are only $250 each. The thing I love the most about Invitae is the support they provide after taking the medically actionable genetic test. You have access to a genetic counselor who will help you understand your results, as well as point you in the right direction when seeking a doctor to speak to about your results.

No matter your health journey, it is so important to know your options. This is why it is valuable to take the time to find events and meetups that focus in on your wellness. For me, #BlogHer20 Health has been the best way for me to start my year.

Spending time with other women talking about our health journeys, exploring health products I never thought about using, and becoming empowered to take the necessary steps to becoming the best version of myself has truly been a priceless experience.

What are you doing to take control of your health journey? I would love to know what is working for you!

Categories: Uncategorized

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  • How To Make Starbucks Medicine Ball Tea | IMMUNE HEALTHY RECIPE | Kyla Canzater says:

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