black owned feminine care products

Black Owned Feminine Hygiene Products

Black women have lead the way for years in the world of innovation for feminine care products. Starting with the most notable Mary Beatrice Davidson Kenner who created the first sanitary belt. It opened the door to our modern way of practicing self care during our menstrual cycle, and here are a some other black owned feminine hygiene products you will love!

If you are like me, having a menstrual disorder like Endometriosis has caused me to pay more attention to what I use. The right or wrong feminine care products can make a huge difference on your health journey. And, what you will notice is that these items have the user in mind first by being thoughtful in the types of materials are using in their products.

From menstrual pads to cleaners, this is a collection of items you need on your journey.

For those on a period pain journey, this next post about anti-inflammatory oils and foods is for you.