Daily Inspiration | The Choice is Yours

Here is your daily inspiration to get you through the day…

[bctt tweet=”The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live. -Flora Whittemore #PinkProverb” username=”TheKylaLive”]

What do you want out of life?!? Imagine yourself in a hallway full of doors.

Each door is labeled and you have to decide which one you will open… That is what life is like! Decide what you want out of life and realize every day is not going to be roses. But, if it is what you want, it will be worth it.

Once you have decided what you want for your life, understand that everything good and bad that comes your way is helping you get there.

There is not obstacle that can stop you, if you know it is there to make you stronger.

When you are not sure why an obstacle is there, or if you can make it through — take a second. Breath. Acknowledge your breath. Give thanks for the ability to breath and keep going. Find 5 things around you to be thankful for in your life. And rest!

Don’t choose a door for anyone else… Make sure it is a choice that is all your own. Because when those hard days come, the only thing that will push you through is your drive for what is in your heart.

Remember, no matter what is on the other side of the door it is preparing you for what you want in your heart.

Choose wisely and enjoy the beautiful journey!

For more inspiration, click here.

Categories: Inspiration