How to Deal with Menstrual Cramps | Menstrual Hygiene Day

Happy Menstrual Hygiene Day!

 “A period should end a sentence – not a girl’s education.”Men


Today is the day that we bring awareness to poor menstrual hygiene due to the lack of education and resources. For me, this day is specifically being their for high school girls in the inner city. So, I decided to share tips on how to deal with menstrual cramps.

#EndPeriodProverty – Always

As a former high school teacher, I have plenty of stories about high school girls missing school because they don’t have access to hygiene products or they are dealing with extremely bad cramps.

I use to keep pads and tampons in my desk at all times because I knew I would be asked at least twice a week by a young lady who wasn’t prepared when it came on in the middle of the day.

New York, California, and Illinois are the only states that offer free menstrual products for high school girls. #EndPeriodProverty

Period Movement

California and Illinois legislation passed in 2018.

How to Deal with Menstrual Cramps

Having severe menstrual cramps while in high school had me missing a lot of school days and made me question if my pain was real or if it was in my head.

  1. Keep Track of Your Cycle. You can use an old school calendar or one of these apps that help you plan your life around your cycle.
  2. Watch What You Eat! Especially a week before and during your cycle. What you eat can cause your body to react harshly during your cycle. Try a good anti-inflammatory smoothie here!
  3. Pack An Emergency Kit! Always keep menstrual pads, instant heat pads, and pain medicine with you at all times. You never know if your cycle or cycle pain will come early.
  4. Let People Know. No matter if you go to school or work, let someone know what you go through every month. On days that are really bad, you want to make sure someone will be able to advocate for you when you can’t.
  5. Talk to Your Doctor! Severe menstrual cramps are not normal and can be the first sign of something major like endometriosis, PCOS, adenomyosis, fibroids, cyst, or another condition. Don’t be afraid to share that you are going through a lot of pain.
Categories: Health