How To Learn Self-Love

Hi Verbs, let’s talk self-love!

This morning I woke-up and realized that I love myself! No, I really mean it. For the first time, I can say I love myself wholeheartedly -flaws and all!! Don’t get me wrong, I have never hated myself. I have, however, always been extra critical of myself, and have never been able to complete myself or give myself the necessary love I needed to be happy.

The tell-tale sign came to me when I ended a bad relationship about five years ago. I found myself looking for love in another person, accepting whatever they would give me, thinking they could somehow figure out what it is I need to feel validated. I was able to give him the love I felt I desired, so why couldn’t he do the same, right? Wrong! I was investing my love in the wrong person, and I found myself vulnerable to every criticism he threw my way about my worth.

I had to ask myself: 

How can the people in my life truly love me if I haven’t first showed love to myself?

My self-esteem was at an all time low, and I had to make a change. It started with a search… I started praying, mediating, and reading anything I could get my hands on that would help me restore my self-love.

Steps to Self-Love:

  1. Tell yourself “I Love You!” everyday.
  2. Don’t wait for someone else to validate your worth for love.
  3. Get rid of toxic relationships and friendships.
  4. Date yourself! At least once a week, do something by yourself that you enjoy doing.
  5. Laugh at yourself instead of criticizing everything you do.

I will make sure I share all of my self-love resources that helped me through my 2 year process next week. If you have anything you would like to add, please share!

2 Responses

  • hellocharmaine says:

    Love this! Short, sweet, to the point and most of all inspiring. Living in Korea this year has really put my life in perspective and allowed me (by force) to learn to truly fall in love with myself by spending time exclusively with me (dating, laughing, saying I love you). I wrote something similar on my blog as well. I just subscribed! I can’t wait to read more.

    • Thanks Charmaine! What is the link to your post?! I love your blog by the way! And you are so right, sometimes it is by force but getting to that point is so important.