I Got Pregnant with Endometriosis

As a black woman with Endometriosis, I dreamed about the day I would become pregnant and cried at every doctor’s visit when I was told me the odds were stacked against me. But, I am here to tell you how I got pregnant with stage IV Endometriosis naturally!

Photographer: Jeff Martin      Outfit: Marsha Marie Designs

This post is dedicated to answering a few questions about becoming pregnant with Endometriosis. I remember researching each of these questions, only to feel like I would not be able to conceive naturally. Now I know, through experience, that the possibility is there despite your age, race or stage of Endometriosis. Similar to the different stages of Endometriosis, trying to conceive with this disorder will look different for every woman. My hope is that this will inspire you to never give up, and give yourself permission to write your own story.

How does Endometriosis affect Pregnancy?

Pregnancy, Birth & Baby:

If you have had endometriosis and become pregnant, you will need to have the same regular check-ups as other women who are pregnant.

Your midwife or doctor will watch out for high blood pressure. There is a slightly higher than average risk that you will get some bleeding towards the end of your pregnancy.

There is also a chance your baby will be born earlier than usual or smaller than usual.

How I Got Pregnant with Endometriosis

When my now husband and I decided to start trying to get pregnant, I knew I had a small window for conceiving. And I knew if it was going to happened I had to give my self freedom to be beyond my diagnosis.

Letting go of my anxiety and stress, set my affirmations, and make living life to it’s fullest a priority. I made a list of the things I wanted to do and achieve, and took my mind off of it pressure that comes with “trying”.

Saying my affirmations, writing them and seeing them until I felt them in my bones.

To me, getting pregnant while having Endometriosis was more of a mind and stress management game. Stress has been proven to change a woman’s menstrual cycle, and I made it a goal to make that a non-factor.

I took time to listen to my body, nurture it, and find fun ways to to relieve any pinned up stress. Yoga became a friend of mine, laughing became a priority, and releasing things and people that did not serve a a positive influence in my life had to be released.

My Endo & Pregnant Experience

Endometriosis is more of a culprit for my fertility issues. While pregnant, I had no issues with my Endometriosis affecting the growth of my little one. Now my fibroids, that’s another topic for another day.

Can you have Endometriosis while pregnant?

The Bump

The most common symptoms of endometriosis are abdominal pain, heavy periods, painful intercourse and severe menstrual cramps. You might also experience fatigue. The good news is: While you‘re pregnantyou might actually get some relief from your endometriosis symptoms.

My Endo & Pregnant Experience

Yes! Endometriosis is widely different for each woman. But, it is possible to be pregnant with Endometriosis. I was diagnosed with stage IV Endometriosis, and I was able to conceive. The doctor who diagnosed me had 3 kids naturally with the disorder. And there a plenty of examples of EndoWarriors sharing their journey online about being able to conceive naturally.

The issue is that there is not enough research out there about Endometriosis that gives answers to why some are able to conceive naturally while others need assistance. However, no matter the stage of Endometriosis, there women to prove it is possible.

Can Endometriosis affect pregnancy?

Jean Hailes for Women’s Health

Recent studies have shown if you have endometriosis, medical care should not stop once you become pregnant. Endometriosis is a risk factor for:

  • the baby being born early – before 40 weeks
  • bleeding after the 24th week of pregnancy
  • high blood pressure (pre-eclampsia)
  • delivery by caesarean section

My Endo & Pregnant Experience

You can have a normal pregnancy and delivery a completely healthy baby with Endometriosis. Yes, there are risk factors for women with Endometriosis. However, there are no special screenings needed beyond what another woman will go through during their pregnancy.

Can Endometriosis cause a miscarriage?

Medical Daily

Women With Endometriosis Have Greater Risk Of Pregnancy Complications, Including Miscarriage and Ectopic Pregnancy. … A recent study in the UK has found that women with endometriosis are more likely to experience complications during and after pregnancy, including an increased risk of miscarriage, and ectopic pregnancy.

My Endo & Pregnant Experience

I have personally had issues in the past conceiving that I have contributed to Endometriosis. However, according to WebMD 50% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. More than 80% of miscarriages occur within the first three months of pregnancy. This means that women, in general, are silently dealing with miscarriages and it is not just women with Endometriosis.

Don’t let your past experiences stop you from trying again. It is possible!

Other questions, that can be answered with YES! If you don’t believe me, let me be the example that it is possible.

Endo & Pregnant Journey

You can follow my Endo & Pregnant on Youtube, here:

Which is worse endometriosis or fibroids?

When if comes to getting pregnant, both endometriosis and fibroids can be a factor depending on where it is located. However, once pregnant, fibroids have the tendency to grow with your baby. Unlike endometriosis, which lesions can shrink during pregnancy, fibroids have to continue to be monitored.


Meet Kyla

Meet Kyla. The Stage IV Endometriosis Mom on a mission to help other women on a health and wellness journey to relieve Endometriosis pain, Fibroids, Painful Periods, and other Estrogen dominate disorders and reach their health goals faster.

Kyla is a certified health coach, and you can learn more about Healthy Kyla, her health journey, and why she is using her platform to help others find the health solutions that they need a long their journey.


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Categories: Endometriosis