Life Update| Balancing Mom Life, Health and Business

This life update is a quick recap of everything that is going on in my life for the past three months. There is so much to share that I thought it’d be a good start to give you a recap of what’s up. March and April went by in a breeze. So let’s quickly rewind back to March.

Endometriosis Awareness Month

March is Endometriosis Awareness month which was pretty exciting for me. I got a chance to speak in the march this year and was able to share my journey and experience with so many others like me. I can’t wait to show the official video of that to you guys. It’s coming.

The Chic Social

March also came with The Chic Social health and beauty edition. It was fantabulous as we had a chance to do some yoga and meet a lot of holistic vendors. Additionally, I got a chance to share my story at the Chic Social as well. The video for that is coming up soon as well. Pretty exciting!

And then… April came.

But Pause… let’s talk about Klay first.


Klay went from crawling to pulling up in one month. He was literally pulling up by March. All of a sudden his teeth also started showing up. He now has three teeth and has three more poking out. It’s crazy enough for me as Klay is just 8 months right now but I feel like I’m already raising a one-year-old. He is trying to walk, snacking on things, loves to eat, and just grabs stuff… so my baby is taking over my world.

He is literally taking up all the time that I want to give to my brand, my YouTube channel, and my blog. Therefore, there is so much on my plate right now.

ALSO between March and now, I have been on three podcasts. Yes, THREE.

During the Endometriosis awareness month, my good girlfriend who does holistic podcasts brought me up to share my journey about Endometriosis which you can find here.

Then I got a podcast invite to the Girl Meets Food to talk about women’s health and a general conversation about everything that women hold in. From Endometriosis to fibroids and heavy cycles, we talked about it all. This podcast will be coming your way soon.

The third podcast actually makes me a bit anxious because I haven’t really shared that with you guys. It’s about the things that happened to me after giving birth to Klay. In this podcast, I got a chance to talk to my girlfriend Kim on the Dope Chic Podcast about women and childbirth. We also discussed how black women are dying at an astronomically high rate versus our sisters of other colors.

Sharing My C-Section Story

For the first time, I was actually able to give light to what happened to me during my childbirth period. It was so traumatic. For those of you who don’t know, Black women are dying at 243% higher rate than Caucasian women after having C-Sections.

I delivered Klay via C-Section. After having Klay I had two infections. There was a nurse with me for two whole months. Up until now, I couldn’t actually openly talk about it as I was myself still processing it. Even if someone would ask me I got that ball in my throat that won’t let it out.

I got a chance to share my C-Section story on Good Morning Washington and DC. The link to that news broadcast is here.

There so much, that we as women keep to ourselves because of either shame or because of the feeling that no one would understand us. But that aside, there is something truly healing in the process of sharing your experiences with other women. It gives you a feeling of relief that other women have fought what you are fighting and they can lend you some good advice on the situation.

Also, my complete C-Section story is coming on my YouTube channel soon. So stick around for that.

Health and Wellness Panel

I am blessed and thankful to be a part of the Health and Wellness Panel for my friends which will be taking place in DC on May the 18th. The event is actually sold out but I will make sure I post it for you guys on my YouTube channel.


Motherhood has taken me for a loop. I could not foresee that my son would be moving and shaking so fast.  He has moved up two classes already at school because he is so vibrant, smart, quick and always trying to get into things.

I recall one of my friends saying that when Clay turns into his 7th month he won’t let you leave the room and is going to be SO loud. That is exactly what happened. Previously, he would give me a little whine but at the start of the 7th month, he would break out in a full life-is-ending, where-are-you-going, how-could-you-I’m-dying kind of a cry.

We are still breastfeeding and I can say that is the only reason why I’ve been able to lose my weight. I haven’t been working out nor doing anything else. That’s because I still think my body needs to heal naturally and secondly, because I just don’t have the time. Sigh!

Personally, I think my body has been going through a transitional phase. I am finally starting to feel like myself again. I am now comfortable with my body, my scar, my skin, and my hair.

Hair Journey

I have started to wear my hair back natural because, like most women, I started losing my hair. Straightening my hair was not an option anymore. It was thinning out my hair a lot more than I expected. So I am going to rock my curls until it gets cold.

If you don’t already know, I am sensitive about my hair. I remember, the first day I went to work with my hair natural and people called it uh-cute, it kept reminding me of how I love my hair straight. I rock my curls now and then but it always feels different and I keep trying to embrace it fully.

It is a transition all by itself but I feel like I’m getting confident by the day. The broadcast I did in DC was the first time I wore my hair natural on television. Surprisingly, after watching the session I was pretty pleased with how it turned out to be.h

I’ll be updating you guys on my hair routine in the coming future as well. Maybe not in a video but it will be there on the blog for sure.

Another blog post for my skin routine for my face is in the line too.

Categories: Lifestyle & Travel

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  • Pregnancy Journey | 9 Months In & Out | Kyla Canzater says:

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