Quick | Lunch in a Jar

Happy Monday Verbs!

Sunday was Brown Bag Lunch Day, and I had the pleasure of sharing a few quick, easy, healthy, and fun  mason jar salad for a quick lunch bag ideas.

Keep reading to see 3 ideas that I think you will love. Oh yeah, and the video from Sunday is there waiting for your too.

Here are the 3 mason jars that I made, and are super easy when meal planning for the week. All of the ingredients listed below are in the order that I placed them in the jar. I used/ add Expresco Chicken Kabobs pre-cooked in all the recipes, and you can find them at Safeway, Food Lion and Costcos.

Mason Jar Salad

** Grab all your favorite salad ingredients, and let’s layer! **

The key to this jar is to put the salad dressing in first, put your hardy veggies in first (carrots, broccoli, cucumbers, etc.) this will prevent your salad from getting soggy.

Your salad (roman, spinach, kale) should be put in last, along with any salad toppings you would like (crotons, dried fruit, nuts).

My Ingredients:

  1. Italian Dressing
  2. Broccoli
  3. Carrots
  4. Cucumbers
  5. Bell Peppers
  6. Spinach/Roman Lettuce

Chicken Bowl Jar

If you love Chipotle, and can’t always go there for lunch, this is for you!

My Ingredients:

  1. Brown Rice w/ Cilantro, Lime and Salt
  2. Blacked Beans
  3. Grilled Chicken
  4. Corn
  5. Pico Da Gallo
  6. Lettuce
  7. Guacamole

Fruit Salad Jar

This is great is you are looking for something light on a hot day.

My Ingredients:

  1. Strawberry Balsamic Dressing
  2. Blueberries
  3. Strawberries
  4. Almonds

Alright guys! Here is the video from Fox 45 this weekend. Thank you all for reading, watching and being a part of the journey!

If you are looking for more healthy dish ideas, check out these post:

Easy Meal: Asparagus Salmon Bleu Cheese Salad

Endometriosis Diet | Easy Spinach and Strawberry Salad


Categories: Feature, Food, Health

One Response

  • This is actually useful, thanks.