Pregnancy Journey | 9 Months In & Out

Oh, how time flies. Our pregnancy journey with Endometriosis was thankfully a calm one. Now our birthing experience was very different! But, thankful I am 9 months into this motherhood journey, we are are all healthy and thriving!

Klay and I are celebrating his 9 months of life. I can honestly say we are adjusting very well and tackling every obstacle grace. We are both sleeping through the night and still breastfeeding!

This is a fun time for us. Klay thinks I’m funny and gets excited when he sees me coming. He’s personality is starting to shine through, and I’m getting over a mental hump and feeling good again.
Klay went to his first Maryland Crab Fest!

Klay at 9 Months

On his 9 month check-up, Klay weighed in at 21 pounds and 11 ounces. He has 8 teeth. He is pulling up on everything, and absolutely loves the kitchen. Klay thinks the pots and pans are his personal toys.

He knows how to clap his hands, blow kisses, and feed his self… Even if half of it doesn’t make it to his mouth. He is a determined baby!

He knows his room is the place he sleeps in, and still refusing to sleep at daycare or any other place that is not his room.

9 Months Postpartum

I had to take a long pause on social media. I needed a little time to get organized in my “new normal” — Endo after pregnancy, baby proofing, prepping Klay’s food, grow my edges back, catching up on my long to-do list, sleep and find a little peace of mind.

I’ve been in deep thought about “living on purpose”. Before getting married and having Klay, I had all the time in the World to try things and invest in time sucks like reality TV. But, now I hardly have time to moisturize my face at night, and I find myself feeling unfulfilled.

I had to take the time and get clear about my purpose in life. Determine the things that bring me personal joy, and prioritize things that help me get closer to my personal dreams for myself and my family.

This all came to me this month, and I am thankful for my husband! I literally asked for “a day” — guilt-free unrestricted time, to myself in the house today whatever I needed to do. Clean, take a long bath, journal, cook, binge-watch TV, WHATEVER!

He came through and sent me pictures of him and Klay kicking it at Home Depot all day. lol

That was the best gift he could have given me during this time in our life, and I have officially penciled in “Mommy Days” on the family calendar.

Personal Health Journey

Personally, I am still in a place of healing. But, it is truly hard. My main focus is making sure Klay is thriving, and of course juggling everything that life has been throwing my way. However, I am learning the importance of self care and finding time for me to get back to connecting with things I love beyond motherhood.

Definitely easier said than done! But, I am determine to do.

The biggest sign that it was time for me to pay more attention to me has been my hair. I started to notice my hair falling out, and I know this is a normal experience for many women on their motherhood journey. And, I now know I need to pay more attentions to my hormones and keeping them balanced.

So far, my favorite form of self care has been Yoni Steaming. I used a lot of herbs on my fertility journey and through out my health journey. And, it is still a very relaxing experience and love adding herbs in a special way along my journey.

Herb with give me a little heat and an amazing smell are always my go to.

What are some of your favorite forms of self care?

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